What Is VVS Diamonds? Are VVS Diamonds Good?

Diamonds area a timeless precious gemstone. When added to your your jewelry your elegance will shine throughout the entire room. All diamonds are not the same, here is some diamond knowledge to teach you about VVS Diamonds. We are going to let you know what VVS Diamonds mean and why VVS Diamonds are close to some of the highest rated diamonds in the world.

What is the Definition of VVS Diamonds

VVS Diamonds translates to "Very Very Slightly". This abbreviation is in reference to the very very slight inclusions a diamond may have. These inclusions are almost invisible to the naked eye and the same can be said for diamonds up to Si even. VVS Diamonds are a type of diamond that is one grade below a flawless diamond. They are often used in jewelry making because they have very few inclusions, which means they have a very clear appearance.

VVS Diamonds are considered great quality diamonds. This means that VVS Diamonds will be at a much higher price than VS and Si Diamonds, as there will be essentially no imperfection from a VVS diamond that can be seen from the naked eye.

The Four "C's" of Diamonds:

Based on Jewelry industry standards, there is what's referred to as the The Four "C"s of a diamond. This stands for the Color, Clarity, Cut, and the Carat of a diamond. These four characteristics influence the price of a diamond the less color, better the clarity, greater the cut, and heavier the carat, the more expensive the price for a gem will be.

Color - The color of a diamond refers to its hue, or tint. It may be hard to see with the naked eye, but the color can range from light yellow to light brown. The "perfect" diamond should be colorless, or D on the scale but different color diamonds can be perfect for different concepts. The scale of a diamond goes from D-F. The most desirable colors for diamonds are D-F, G-I, and J-K.

Clarity - Clarity refers to how many flaws or imperfections there are in the diamond. Flaws can include cracks or chips on the surface of the stone or internal flaws that can't be seen with the naked eye. Flaws reduce the value of a diamond significantly. The best clarity grades are FL (flawless) and IF (internally flawless).

Cut - The cut refers to how well it reflects light through its facets when set in jewelry such as rings or necklaces; this makes it look bright and beautiful! A well cut diamond will shine exceptionally better next to a diamond with a bad cut.

Carat - Carat is the weight of a diamond. Due to the cut of a diamond the size can vary for the same carat weight.


VVS Diamond Prices

VVS diamond prices are determined by marketing demands and the grading scale known as “the four C’s.” We explained what specifically “the four C’s” are in the beginning of this article. Cut, Color, Carat, and Clarity all matter when it comes to VVS diamond prices. With VVS Diamonds being some of the most coveted diamonds in the market, the prices will be a lot more expensive than your Si Quality diamonds.

Now that you know about VVS diamonds are you ready to add these beautifully flawless stones to your collection? Check out Reign Jewelers for more information about VVS diamonds, and how Reign Jewelers can customize your next Jewelry piece with VVS Diamonds. Start your custom Project Here

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