
In the event that you want to make a exchange or return, please send us an e-mail within 7 days of your purchase at please include your order number in the text.

We will give you further instructions for your return or exchange.




Return policy


Every singe item that we send out is inspected before we ship it. In the event that your item is damaged from the shipping process, make sure to contact us within 48 hours of receiving the item. The item will be returned at the cost of the buyer and we will replace your purchase for free.


In the event that you are not happy with your purchase, you may get a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Please e-mail us within those 14 days about a refund


Before you receive your refund of money, our returns department will inspect any returned items to check for wear and tear or misuse. We will not refund items that have been worn or damaged. The product must be in new condition for you to receive your refund. Shipping costs will not be refunded

Custom Jewelry 

Their are absolutely no returns, exchanges or refunds on custom made jewelry.